IL Core Implementation Guide
0.18.0 - draft Israel flag

This page is part of the IL-Core IG (v0.18.0: draft-1 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ILCore Encounter Profile

Official URL: Version: 0.18.0
Standards status: Trial-use Maturity Level: 1 Computable Name: ILCoreEncounter

Israel Core proposed constraints and extensions on the Encounter Resource


משאב הבסיס Encounter נועד לתעד מפגשים הכוללים כל סוג של אינטראקציה בין המטופל לספקי שירותי הבריאות לצורך מתן שירותי בריאות או הערכת מצב בריאותו של מטופל. מפגש עם מטופל מאופיין בד”כ לפי הסביבה שבה הוא מתרחש, למשל, ביקור במרפאה אמבולטורית, ביקור במוקדי חירום, ביקורי בית, אשפוז בבית החולים או מפגשים וירטואליים עם המטופל או בין הרופאים המבצעים ייעוץ לגבי המטופל. ע”מ להסדיר משאב זה לצרכי מערכת הבריאות בישראל באופן המקיף ביותר ובעיקר להתאימו לרשימת הסיווגים בוצעה אפיון עומק עם כלל הארגונים בישראל: חטיבת בתי החולים הממשלתיים, קופות החולים השונות , מרכזי רפואה ראשונית ושניונית ורפואת חירום, פסיכיאטריה, מרכזים גריאטריים כולל שירותי שיקום בית. האפיון כלל גם מפגשים עם מנהלים אדמיניסטרטיביים, אנשי ה IT , רופאים, אחיות, ופארמדיקים. רשימת הסיווגים הינו דבר עקרוני בפרופיל ונעשה דרך שלושה אלמנטים עיקריים : class, type, serviceType . בהסתכלות על הפרופיל ב 7HL ובמדריכים של CORE אחרים בעולם נראה שהסיווג הקיים באלמנטים אלו הוא חלקי וכללי מאוד , ואינו נותן מענה לצרכים של מערכת הבריאות בישראל. לכן, הוחלט לסווג את המפגש לפי שלוש קטגוריות עיקריות אשר לכל אחת הותאמה רשימת ערכים המחדדת את מהות הסיווג . זו גם הגישה שישנה בגרסה 5R של הפרופיל:

  1. class – סוג המקום בו נעשה המפגש (למשל אמבולטורי, חירום , בית וכו’)
  2. type - סוג המפגש (למשל ביקור וירטואלי, או התייעצות בין רופאים)
  3. serviceType – סוג השירות הניתן במפגש (למשל, קרדיולוגיה, גנטיקה וכו’) משאב זה כולל את כל “מחזור החיים” עבור מפגשים באשפוז החל מקדם האשפוז, דרך קבלה, שהייה ושחרור , וכן עבור מפגשים וביקורים בקהילה או במרפאה אמבולטורית. כמו כן, המשאב מטפל בתיעוד תנועות של המטופל במהלך המפגש כגון מעבר ממטפל למטפל או ממקום למקום. ניתן גם ליצור היררכיה בין המפגשים ע”מ לאגד מס’ תתי מפגשים תחת מפגש ראשי (למשל איגוד מעבר בין מחלקות תחת אשפוז אחד). הסבר מפורט על מאשר זה נמצא בדף הפרופיל באתר HL7. בנוסף, הפרופיל כולל מספר רשימות ערכים המבוססות על ערכים של מב”ר (ראה פרק טרמינולוגיה). כיוון שעדיין תהליך ההסדרה של רשימות ערכים לא הסתיים והן עלולות להשתנות בעתיד הוחלט לתת להם חוזק קשירה של example.

עוד מידע על פרופיל זה ניתן למצוא באתר הקהילה

הרחבות שנוספו בפרופיל

במהלך הסדרת הפרופיל עם ארגוני הבריאות עלו מספר תרחישי שימוש ספציפיים הנוגעים לשמירת המידע של המטופל במערכות התיק הרפואי בעת אשפוז, ולכן הוחלט להוסיף את ההרחבות הבאות :

שם ההרחבה הסבר האלמנט עליו נוספה ההרחבה
Mode-of-arrival דרך ההגעה של המטופל לביקור Encounter (על הפרופיל עצמו). הרחבה זו מבוססת על HL7 ובה הוגדרה רשימת ערכים של מב”ר
paying-entity גורם משלם Encounter (על הפרופיל עצמו)
visitor-type סוג המבקר Subject
movement-sequence-number מס’ תנועה באשפוז Hospitalization

סלייסים שנוספו בפרופיל

להלן הסלייסים שנוספו בפרופיל:

האלמנט שם הסלייס סיבת ההוספה הערות
type virtual-encounters תמיכה בביקור וירטואלי  
type doctor-to-doctor-consultation תמיכה בייעוץ בין מטפלים על מטופל (גם כשאינו נוכח) ניתן להשתמש בשדה זה כדי לתעד מפגש שבו המטופל אינו נוכח (כגון פתיחת תיק המטופל כדי לעדכן את מינון התרופות)
participant primary-performer תיעוד התייחסות למטפל העיקרי במפגש  
reasonCode moh-reason-code תמיכה בקודים קיימים של אגף מידע לתיעוד סיבת הביקור אשר ידועים ובשימוש נרחב במערכת הבריאות בישראל  

שדות חובה

בכל משאב התואם לפרופיל ILCore Encounter חייבים להיות האלמנטים הבאים:

  • status – סטטוס המפגש
  • class – סוג מקום המפגש
  • subject – מידע על המטופל

Must Support

בנוסף לאלמנטים שהוגדרו כחובה, הכיתוב (MS) Must Support משמש להסב את תשומת לב המיישמים לתיעוד המצורף אליו. כלומר, במקומות שבהם ישנה הנחייה על אופן המימוש של MS יש לנהוג לפי ההגדרה שכתובה, ובמקומות שאין הגדרה מפורשת, על המיישם להחליט מה משמעות התמיכה הנדרשת באלמנט זה. להלן האלמנטים שהוגדר להם MS וההוראות למיישם:

אלמנט שם הוראות למיישם
identifier מזהה עסקי receiving system SHOULD store the value
status סטטוס receiving system SHALL either store the value as-is or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to reconstruct the value when requested to retrieve data
Period תקופת המפגש receiving system SHALL either store the value as-is or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to reconstruct the value when requested to retrieve dat
serviceProvider ארגון הבריאות המספק את השירות הניתן במפגש receiving system SHALL either store the value as-is or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to reconstruct the value when requested to retrieve data
class סוג מקום המפגש receiving system SHALL either store the value as-is or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to reconstruct the value when requested to retrieve data
Subject מטופל receiving system SHALL either store the value as-is or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to reconstruct the value when requested to retrieve data
Participant[primary-performer] מטפל עיקרי receiving system either SHALL store the value or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to recover it when required to send data
Participant[primary-performer].type סוג מטפל עיקרי receiving system either SHALL store the value or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to recover it when required to send data
Participant[primary-performer].period פרק זמן במהלך המפגש בו השתתף המטפל העיקרי receiving system either SHALL store the value or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to recover it when required to send data
Participant[primary-performer].individual אנשים המעורבים במפגש מלבד המטופל receiving system either SHALL store the value or SHALL be able to translate it into internal state and SHALL be able to recover it when required to send data


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from Encounter

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter 0..* Encounter ILCore Encounter Profile
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modeOfArrival 0..1 (Complex) The method of arrival of the patient into the facility
..... value[x] 1..1 Coding Value of extension
Binding: Patient Mode of Arrival MoH (example)
.... paying-entity 0..* CodeableConcept Extension: Encounter Paying Entity
Binding: Encounter Paying Entity MoH (example)
.... movement-number 0..1 string Ext: Movement Sequence-Number
... identifier S 0..* Identifier Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known
... status S 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
... classHistory
.... class 1..1 Coding inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
... Slices for type 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
.... type:virtual-encounters 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Virtual encounter Type Codes (required)
.... type:doctor-to-doctor-consultation 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Doctor To Doctor Codes (required)
... serviceType 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of service
Binding: IL Core Service type (extensible)
... subject S 1..1 Reference(ILCore Patient Profile | ILCore Group Profile) The patient or group present at the encounter
.... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
..... visitor-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Extension: Israeli CORE Encounter Visitor Type
Binding: Patient Visitor Type MoH (example)
... basedOn 0..* Reference(ILCore ServiceRequest Profile) The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
... Slices for participant 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type
.... participant:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... individual 0..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
.... participant:primary-performer S 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
..... type S 1..1 CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
...... coding
....... system 0..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
....... code 0..1 code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: PPRF
..... period S 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual S 1..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... period S 0..1 Period The start and end time of the encounter
... Slices for reasonCode 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
.... reasonCode:moh-reason-code 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Binding: Patient Visit Reason MoH (preferred)
... reasonReference 0..* Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile | ILCore Observation Profile | ImmunizationRecommendation) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
... diagnosis
.... condition 1..1 Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile) The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
... hospitalization
.... origin 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) The location/organization from which the patient came before admission
.... admitSource 0..1 CodeableConcept From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer)
Binding: Patient Admit Source MoH (preferred)
.... destination 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) Location/organization to which the patient is discharged
.... dischargeDisposition 0..1 CodeableConcept Category or kind of location after discharge
Binding: Patient Realease Type MoH (example)
... location
.... location 1..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile) Location the encounter takes place
... serviceProvider S 0..1 Reference(ILCore Organization Profile) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
... partOf 0..1 Reference(ILCore Encounter Profile) Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

Encounter.extension:modeOfArrival.value[x]examplePatientModeOfArrivalMoH (a valid code from Patient Mode of Arrival MoH)
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
Encounter.reasonCode:moh-reason-codepreferredPatientVisitReasonMoH (a valid code from Patient Visit Reason MoH)
from this IG
Encounter.hospitalization.admitSourcepreferredPatientAdmitSourceMoH (a valid code from Patient Admit Source MoH)
from this IG
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDispositionexamplePatientRealeaseTypeMoH (a valid code from Patient Realease Type MoH)
from this IG
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter 0..* Encounter ILCore Encounter Profile
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modeOfArrival 0..1 (Complex) The method of arrival of the patient into the facility
..... extension 0..0
..... url 1..1 uri ""
..... value[x] 1..1 Coding Value of extension
Binding: Patient Mode of Arrival MoH (example)
.... paying-entity 0..* CodeableConcept Extension: Encounter Paying Entity
Binding: Encounter Paying Entity MoH (example)
.... movement-number 0..1 string Ext: Movement Sequence-Number
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... status ?!SΣ 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter.

... class SΣ 1..1 Coding Classification of patient encounter
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
... Slices for type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterType (example): The type of encounter.

.... type:virtual-encounters Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Virtual encounter Type Codes (required)
.... type:doctor-to-doctor-consultation Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Doctor To Doctor Codes (required)
... serviceType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of service
Binding: IL Core Service type (extensible)
... subject SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Patient Profile | ILCore Group Profile) The patient or group present at the encounter
.... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
..... visitor-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Extension: Israeli CORE Encounter Visitor Type
Binding: Patient Visitor Type MoH (example)
... basedOn 0..* Reference(ILCore ServiceRequest Profile) The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
... Slices for participant Σ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type
.... participant:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... individual Σ 0..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
.... participant:primary-performer SΣ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type SΣ 1..1 CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter.

..... period S 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... period S 0..1 Period The start and end time of the encounter
... Slices for reasonCode Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterReasonCodes (preferred): Reason why the encounter takes place.

.... reasonCode:moh-reason-code Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Binding: Patient Visit Reason MoH (preferred)
... reasonReference Σ 0..* Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile | ILCore Observation Profile | ImmunizationRecommendation) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
... serviceProvider S 0..1 Reference(ILCore Organization Profile) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
... partOf 0..1 Reference(ILCore Encounter Profile) Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Encounter.extension:modeOfArrival.value[x]examplePatientModeOfArrivalMoH (a valid code from Patient Mode of Arrival MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.reasonCode:moh-reason-codepreferredPatientVisitReasonMoH (a valid code from Patient Visit Reason MoH)
from this IG
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter 0..* Encounter ILCore Encounter Profile
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1 code Language of the resource content
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

Additional BindingsPurpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modeOfArrival 0..1 (Complex) The method of arrival of the patient into the facility
..... id 0..1 id Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..0
..... url 1..1 uri ""
..... value[x] 1..1 Coding Value of extension
Binding: Patient Mode of Arrival MoH (example)
.... paying-entity 0..* CodeableConcept Extension: Encounter Paying Entity
Binding: Encounter Paying Entity MoH (example)
.... movement-number 0..1 string Ext: Movement Sequence-Number
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier SΣ 0..* Identifier Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known
... status ?!SΣ 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter.

... statusHistory 0..* BackboneElement List of past encounter statuses
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... status 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter.

.... period 1..1 Period The time that the episode was in the specified status
... class SΣ 1..1 Coding Classification of patient encounter
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
... classHistory 0..* BackboneElement List of past encounter classes
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... class 1..1 Coding inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
.... period 1..1 Period The time that the episode was in the specified class
... Slices for type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterType (example): The type of encounter.

.... type:virtual-encounters Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Virtual encounter Type Codes (required)
.... type:doctor-to-doctor-consultation Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Doctor To Doctor Codes (required)
... serviceType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of service
Binding: IL Core Service type (extensible)
... priority 0..1 CodeableConcept Indicates the urgency of the encounter
Binding: ActPriority (example): Indicates the urgency of the encounter.

... subject SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Patient Profile | ILCore Group Profile) The patient or group present at the encounter
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... visitor-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Extension: Israeli CORE Encounter Visitor Type
Binding: Patient Visitor Type MoH (example)
.... reference ΣC 0..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
.... type Σ 0..1 uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
Binding: ResourceType (extensible): Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model).

.... identifier Σ 0..1 Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
.... display Σ 0..1 string Text alternative for the resource
... episodeOfCare Σ 0..* Reference(EpisodeOfCare) Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
... basedOn 0..* Reference(ILCore ServiceRequest Profile) The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
... Slices for participant Σ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type
.... participant:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter.

..... period 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual Σ 0..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
.... participant:primary-performer SΣ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type SΣ 1..1 CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter.

...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ 0..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
....... version Σ 0..1 string Version of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ 0..1 code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: PPRF
....... display Σ 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ 0..1 boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ 0..1 string Plain text representation of the concept
..... period S 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... appointment Σ 0..* Reference(Appointment) The appointment that scheduled this encounter
... period S 0..1 Period The start and end time of the encounter
... length 0..1 Duration Quantity of time the encounter lasted (less time absent)
... Slices for reasonCode Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterReasonCodes (preferred): Reason why the encounter takes place.

.... reasonCode:moh-reason-code Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Binding: Patient Visit Reason MoH (preferred)
... reasonReference Σ 0..* Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile | ILCore Observation Profile | ImmunizationRecommendation) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
... diagnosis Σ 0..* BackboneElement The list of diagnosis relevant to this encounter
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... condition Σ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile) The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
.... use 0..1 CodeableConcept Role that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …)
Binding: DiagnosisRole (preferred): The type of diagnosis this condition represents.

.... rank 0..1 positiveInt Ranking of the diagnosis (for each role type)
... account 0..* Reference(Account) The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter
... hospitalization 0..1 BackboneElement Details about the admission to a healthcare service
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... preAdmissionIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Pre-admission identifier
.... origin 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) The location/organization from which the patient came before admission
.... admitSource 0..1 CodeableConcept From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer)
Binding: Patient Admit Source MoH (preferred)
.... reAdmission 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission
Binding: hl7VS-re-admissionIndicator (example): The reason for re-admission of this hospitalization encounter.

.... dietPreference 0..* CodeableConcept Diet preferences reported by the patient
Binding: Diet (example): Medical, cultural or ethical food preferences to help with catering requirements.

.... specialCourtesy 0..* CodeableConcept Special courtesies (VIP, board member)
Binding: SpecialCourtesy (preferred): Special courtesies.

.... specialArrangement 0..* CodeableConcept Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.
Binding: SpecialArrangements (preferred): Special arrangements.

.... destination 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) Location/organization to which the patient is discharged
.... dischargeDisposition 0..1 CodeableConcept Category or kind of location after discharge
Binding: Patient Realease Type MoH (example)
... location 0..* BackboneElement List of locations where the patient has been
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... location 1..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile) Location the encounter takes place
.... status 0..1 code planned | active | reserved | completed
Binding: EncounterLocationStatus (required): The status of the location.

.... physicalType 0..1 CodeableConcept The physical type of the location (usually the level in the location hierachy - bed room ward etc.)
Binding: LocationType (example): Physical form of the location.

.... period 0..1 Period Time period during which the patient was present at the location
... serviceProvider S 0..1 Reference(ILCore Organization Profile) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
... partOf 0..1 Reference(ILCore Encounter Profile) Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.extension:modeOfArrival.value[x]examplePatientModeOfArrivalMoH (a valid code from Patient Mode of Arrival MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.reasonCode:moh-reason-codepreferredPatientVisitReasonMoH (a valid code from Patient Visit Reason MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.hospitalization.admitSourcepreferredPatientAdmitSourceMoH (a valid code from Patient Admit Source MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDispositionexamplePatientRealeaseTypeMoH (a valid code from Patient Realease Type MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard

This structure is derived from Encounter

Differential View

This structure is derived from Encounter

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter 0..* Encounter ILCore Encounter Profile
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modeOfArrival 0..1 (Complex) The method of arrival of the patient into the facility
..... value[x] 1..1 Coding Value of extension
Binding: Patient Mode of Arrival MoH (example)
.... paying-entity 0..* CodeableConcept Extension: Encounter Paying Entity
Binding: Encounter Paying Entity MoH (example)
.... movement-number 0..1 string Ext: Movement Sequence-Number
... identifier S 0..* Identifier Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known
... status S 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
... classHistory
.... class 1..1 Coding inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
... Slices for type 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
.... type:virtual-encounters 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Virtual encounter Type Codes (required)
.... type:doctor-to-doctor-consultation 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Doctor To Doctor Codes (required)
... serviceType 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of service
Binding: IL Core Service type (extensible)
... subject S 1..1 Reference(ILCore Patient Profile | ILCore Group Profile) The patient or group present at the encounter
.... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
..... visitor-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Extension: Israeli CORE Encounter Visitor Type
Binding: Patient Visitor Type MoH (example)
... basedOn 0..* Reference(ILCore ServiceRequest Profile) The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
... Slices for participant 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type
.... participant:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... individual 0..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
.... participant:primary-performer S 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
..... type S 1..1 CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
...... coding
....... system 0..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
....... code 0..1 code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: PPRF
..... period S 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual S 1..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... period S 0..1 Period The start and end time of the encounter
... Slices for reasonCode 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
.... reasonCode:moh-reason-code 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Binding: Patient Visit Reason MoH (preferred)
... reasonReference 0..* Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile | ILCore Observation Profile | ImmunizationRecommendation) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
... diagnosis
.... condition 1..1 Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile) The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
... hospitalization
.... origin 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) The location/organization from which the patient came before admission
.... admitSource 0..1 CodeableConcept From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer)
Binding: Patient Admit Source MoH (preferred)
.... destination 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) Location/organization to which the patient is discharged
.... dischargeDisposition 0..1 CodeableConcept Category or kind of location after discharge
Binding: Patient Realease Type MoH (example)
... location
.... location 1..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile) Location the encounter takes place
... serviceProvider S 0..1 Reference(ILCore Organization Profile) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
... partOf 0..1 Reference(ILCore Encounter Profile) Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

Encounter.extension:modeOfArrival.value[x]examplePatientModeOfArrivalMoH (a valid code from Patient Mode of Arrival MoH)
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
Encounter.reasonCode:moh-reason-codepreferredPatientVisitReasonMoH (a valid code from Patient Visit Reason MoH)
from this IG
Encounter.hospitalization.admitSourcepreferredPatientAdmitSourceMoH (a valid code from Patient Admit Source MoH)
from this IG
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDispositionexamplePatientRealeaseTypeMoH (a valid code from Patient Realease Type MoH)
from this IG

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter 0..* Encounter ILCore Encounter Profile
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modeOfArrival 0..1 (Complex) The method of arrival of the patient into the facility
..... extension 0..0
..... url 1..1 uri ""
..... value[x] 1..1 Coding Value of extension
Binding: Patient Mode of Arrival MoH (example)
.... paying-entity 0..* CodeableConcept Extension: Encounter Paying Entity
Binding: Encounter Paying Entity MoH (example)
.... movement-number 0..1 string Ext: Movement Sequence-Number
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... status ?!SΣ 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter.

... class SΣ 1..1 Coding Classification of patient encounter
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
... Slices for type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterType (example): The type of encounter.

.... type:virtual-encounters Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Virtual encounter Type Codes (required)
.... type:doctor-to-doctor-consultation Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Doctor To Doctor Codes (required)
... serviceType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of service
Binding: IL Core Service type (extensible)
... subject SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Patient Profile | ILCore Group Profile) The patient or group present at the encounter
.... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
..... visitor-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Extension: Israeli CORE Encounter Visitor Type
Binding: Patient Visitor Type MoH (example)
... basedOn 0..* Reference(ILCore ServiceRequest Profile) The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
... Slices for participant Σ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type
.... participant:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... individual Σ 0..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
.... participant:primary-performer SΣ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type SΣ 1..1 CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter.

..... period S 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... period S 0..1 Period The start and end time of the encounter
... Slices for reasonCode Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterReasonCodes (preferred): Reason why the encounter takes place.

.... reasonCode:moh-reason-code Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Binding: Patient Visit Reason MoH (preferred)
... reasonReference Σ 0..* Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile | ILCore Observation Profile | ImmunizationRecommendation) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
... serviceProvider S 0..1 Reference(ILCore Organization Profile) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
... partOf 0..1 Reference(ILCore Encounter Profile) Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Encounter.extension:modeOfArrival.value[x]examplePatientModeOfArrivalMoH (a valid code from Patient Mode of Arrival MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.reasonCode:moh-reason-codepreferredPatientVisitReasonMoH (a valid code from Patient Visit Reason MoH)
from this IG

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter 0..* Encounter ILCore Encounter Profile
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1 code Language of the resource content
Binding: CommonLanguages (preferred): A human language.

Additional BindingsPurpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... modeOfArrival 0..1 (Complex) The method of arrival of the patient into the facility
..... id 0..1 id Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..0
..... url 1..1 uri ""
..... value[x] 1..1 Coding Value of extension
Binding: Patient Mode of Arrival MoH (example)
.... paying-entity 0..* CodeableConcept Extension: Encounter Paying Entity
Binding: Encounter Paying Entity MoH (example)
.... movement-number 0..1 string Ext: Movement Sequence-Number
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier SΣ 0..* Identifier Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known
... status ?!SΣ 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter.

... statusHistory 0..* BackboneElement List of past encounter statuses
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... status 1..1 code planned | arrived | triaged | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled +
Binding: EncounterStatus (required): Current state of the encounter.

.... period 1..1 Period The time that the episode was in the specified status
... class SΣ 1..1 Coding Classification of patient encounter
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
... classHistory 0..* BackboneElement List of past encounter classes
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... class 1..1 Coding inpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +
Binding: IL Core Encounter Class Codes (extensible)
.... period 1..1 Period The time that the episode was in the specified class
... Slices for type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterType (example): The type of encounter.

.... type:virtual-encounters Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Virtual encounter Type Codes (required)
.... type:doctor-to-doctor-consultation Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Specific type of encounter
Binding: IL Core Doctor To Doctor Codes (required)
... serviceType Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of service
Binding: IL Core Service type (extensible)
... priority 0..1 CodeableConcept Indicates the urgency of the encounter
Binding: ActPriority (example): Indicates the urgency of the encounter.

... subject SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Patient Profile | ILCore Group Profile) The patient or group present at the encounter
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
..... visitor-type 0..1 CodeableConcept Extension: Israeli CORE Encounter Visitor Type
Binding: Patient Visitor Type MoH (example)
.... reference ΣC 0..1 string Literal reference, Relative, internal or absolute URL
.... type Σ 0..1 uri Type the reference refers to (e.g. "Patient")
Binding: ResourceType (extensible): Aa resource (or, for logical models, the URI of the logical model).

.... identifier Σ 0..1 Identifier Logical reference, when literal reference is not known
.... display Σ 0..1 string Text alternative for the resource
... episodeOfCare Σ 0..* Reference(EpisodeOfCare) Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
... basedOn 0..* Reference(ILCore ServiceRequest Profile) The ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
... Slices for participant Σ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:type
.... participant:All Slices Content/Rules for all slices
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter.

..... period 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual Σ 0..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
.... participant:primary-performer SΣ 0..* BackboneElement List of participants involved in the encounter
..... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
..... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
..... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
..... type SΣ 1..1 CodeableConcept Role of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible): Role of participant in encounter.

...... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
...... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
...... coding Σ 0..* Coding Code defined by a terminology system
....... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
....... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
....... system Σ 0..1 uri Identity of the terminology system
Fixed Value:
....... version Σ 0..1 string Version of the system - if relevant
....... code Σ 0..1 code Symbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: PPRF
....... display Σ 0..1 string Representation defined by the system
....... userSelected Σ 0..1 boolean If this coding was chosen directly by the user
...... text Σ 0..1 string Plain text representation of the concept
..... period S 0..1 Period Period of time during the encounter that the participant participated
..... individual SΣ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Practitioner Profile | ILCore PractitionerRole Profile | ILCore RelatedPerson Profile) Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... appointment Σ 0..* Reference(Appointment) The appointment that scheduled this encounter
... period S 0..1 Period The start and end time of the encounter
... length 0..1 Duration Quantity of time the encounter lasted (less time absent)
... Slices for reasonCode Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:$this
Binding: EncounterReasonCodes (preferred): Reason why the encounter takes place.

.... reasonCode:moh-reason-code Σ 0..* CodeableConcept Coded reason the encounter takes place
Binding: Patient Visit Reason MoH (preferred)
... reasonReference Σ 0..* Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile | ILCore Observation Profile | ImmunizationRecommendation) Reason the encounter takes place (reference)
... diagnosis Σ 0..* BackboneElement The list of diagnosis relevant to this encounter
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... condition Σ 1..1 Reference(ILCore Condition Profile | ILCore Procedure Profile) The diagnosis or procedure relevant to the encounter
.... use 0..1 CodeableConcept Role that this diagnosis has within the encounter (e.g. admission, billing, discharge …)
Binding: DiagnosisRole (preferred): The type of diagnosis this condition represents.

.... rank 0..1 positiveInt Ranking of the diagnosis (for each role type)
... account 0..* Reference(Account) The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter
... hospitalization 0..1 BackboneElement Details about the admission to a healthcare service
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... preAdmissionIdentifier 0..1 Identifier Pre-admission identifier
.... origin 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) The location/organization from which the patient came before admission
.... admitSource 0..1 CodeableConcept From where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer)
Binding: Patient Admit Source MoH (preferred)
.... reAdmission 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission
Binding: hl7VS-re-admissionIndicator (example): The reason for re-admission of this hospitalization encounter.

.... dietPreference 0..* CodeableConcept Diet preferences reported by the patient
Binding: Diet (example): Medical, cultural or ethical food preferences to help with catering requirements.

.... specialCourtesy 0..* CodeableConcept Special courtesies (VIP, board member)
Binding: SpecialCourtesy (preferred): Special courtesies.

.... specialArrangement 0..* CodeableConcept Wheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.
Binding: SpecialArrangements (preferred): Special arrangements.

.... destination 0..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile | ILCore Organization Profile) Location/organization to which the patient is discharged
.... dischargeDisposition 0..1 CodeableConcept Category or kind of location after discharge
Binding: Patient Realease Type MoH (example)
... location 0..* BackboneElement List of locations where the patient has been
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... location 1..1 Reference(ILCore Location Profile) Location the encounter takes place
.... status 0..1 code planned | active | reserved | completed
Binding: EncounterLocationStatus (required): The status of the location.

.... physicalType 0..1 CodeableConcept The physical type of the location (usually the level in the location hierachy - bed room ward etc.)
Binding: LocationType (example): Physical form of the location.

.... period 0..1 Period Time period during which the patient was present at the location
... serviceProvider S 0..1 Reference(ILCore Organization Profile) The organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
... partOf 0..1 Reference(ILCore Encounter Profile) Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.extension:modeOfArrival.value[x]examplePatientModeOfArrivalMoH (a valid code from Patient Mode of Arrival MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.reasonCode:moh-reason-codepreferredPatientVisitReasonMoH (a valid code from Patient Visit Reason MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.hospitalization.admitSourcepreferredPatientAdmitSourceMoH (a valid code from Patient Admit Source MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDispositionexamplePatientRealeaseTypeMoH (a valid code from Patient Realease Type MoH)
from this IG
from the FHIR Standard
from the FHIR Standard

This structure is derived from Encounter


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron